Burning Time

Fri 01 November 2024

What is time to you?

Time, a human construct? Or natural phenomenon. Whatever side you are on the effects of time on everything around us is very real. We often sit and wonder why time is moving slow, or we wonder why it moves fast when we are having a good time when we actually want it to last.

Time unlike most possessions we have in our lives is irreplaceable, completely and totally irreplaceable. Kind of like our loved ones, and the time we spend with them. So that makes us wonder, how can it be that we have a system to sell our time for something as replaceable as money? It seems twisted and unnatural. We become part of this human made system where our time is controlled by some suit or group of suits. To me this is unacceptable, this is backwards. I don't pretend to have the answers or another better magical system, I'm just calling out the one we got because I feel it necessary.

I'm a 30 year old autistic adult who has been through almost as many jobs as my age, however I've never been fired, most of these jobs I quit because of the way I was being treated, the others because I was made fun of for being slower. All these years of these types of jobs and all the change that came with moving jobs so often has left me professionally empty and uncaring. I am against this employment system we have now because its been so awful to me. If you reading this is an autistic adult, who have had similar experiences in the work place know that you are not alone! You are a person just like anyone else who is employed where you are. Don't take crap from co-workers and make sure you are comfortable at work. Because your time is invaluable, its beyond value. You can't truly put a price on it. If anything is an awful human construct it's the concept of trading time for money.

And that's my two beans!

By Mark A Waid Jr, Category: Philosophy

Tags: time / money / thoughts / opinions /